I’ve spoken at events in my local community and been invited to some event talks

Speaking at events is a great way to share your knowledge and meet new people. I’ve spoken at events in my local community and been invited to some event talks

2022 Highlights


Hard Work Always Pays Off

Grateful & honored to be chosen as Employee of the Month! Thanks to my amazing team and company for this recognition. Excited to keep contributing and achieving great things together!

🚀 Unveiling the Ultimate Linux Distro! Your Perfect Match Awaits 🐧🌟

Linux Distributions

Ubuntu: Simplicity at Its Best 💻 Beginner-friendly brilliance Vibrant community support Software Center magic Fedora: Cutting-Edge Meets Stability ⚙️ Developer's delight Latest tech playground Iron-clad security features Linux Mint: Nostalgia with a Modern Twist 🌿 Time-tested desktop charm Stability built on Ubuntu Perfect for traditionalists Pop!_OS: The Underdog's Surprise 🚀 Sleek and efficient Tailored for creators Minimalist aesthetics Manjaro: Rolling Release Brilliance 🔄 Always up-to-date Arch-based flexibility Cutting-edge without the headaches